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President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

Dolores Huerta

Labor Activist Dolores Huerta

Julian Castro

Former of Secretary of HUD

Edward James Olmos

Actor & Activist Edward James Olmos

DNC Chair

DNC Chair John Perez

Monica Garcia

LAUSD Board President Monica Garcia

California Assembly Majority Leader, Ian Calderon

California Senate President Pro Tem, Kevin De Leon.

Monique Coleman

California State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon

Former U.S. Secretary of Labor and now Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis

Congresswoman, Loretta Sanchez

Assemblymember, Cristina Garcia

Mayor Art Barajas and City Clerk Irma Barajas

Councilmember Jack Hadijian

Councilmember, Vanessa Delgado

Mayor Pro Tem: Vivian Romero, Kimberly Ann Cobos, and Cultural and Recreational: Shannan Calland

Candidate for L.A. County Superior Court, Alicia Molina and Javier Perez

Cal Attorney General, Xavier Becerra

Los Angeles County Sheriff McDonald

Former Councilmember Christina Cortes

Retired Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca

Former Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina

Bob Archuleta BOV Presidential Appointee

Tom Torlakson State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Michael Aldapa Candidate for California State Assembly

California State Controller Betty Yee


Congresswoman Linda Sanchez

Los Angeles City Councilmember Gilbert Cedillo

Congresswoman Roybal

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